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In a numerical reasoning test, you are required to answer questions using facts and figures presented in statistical tables. In each question you are usually given a number of options to choose from. Only one of the options is correct in each case. Test takers are usually permitted to use a rough sheet of paper and/or a calculator.


However, the use of a calculator may not be permitted in all tests. For each question below, click the appropriate button to select your answer. You will be told whether or not your answer is correct.

Newspaper Readership Daily Newspapers Readership (millions) Percentage of adults reading each paper in Year 3 Year 1 Year 2 Males Females The Daily Chronicle 3.6 2.9 7 6 Daily News 13.8 9.3 24 18 The Tribune 1.1 1.4 4 3 The Herald 8.5 12.7 30 23 Daily Echo 4.8 4.9 10 12 Question 1: Which newspaper was read by a higher percentage of females than males in Year 3? Utorrent software download for pc. The Tribune The Herald Daily News Daily Echo The Daily Chronicle Question 2: What was the combined readership of the Daily Chronicle, the Daily Echo, and The Tribune in Year 1? 10.6 8.4 9.5 12.2 7.8 Amount Spent on Computer Imports Question 3: In Year 3, how much more than Italy did Germany spend on computer imports? 650 million 700 million 750 million 800 million 850 million Question 4: If the amount spent on computer imports into the United Kingdom in Year 5 was 20% lower than in Year 4, what was spent in Year 5? 1,080 million 1,120 million 1,160 million 1,220 million 1,300 million Complete a full-length Other examples: • • • • • • •.