Numerology And The Divine Triangle By Faith Javane Pdf Printer


In Numerology: Key to the Tarot. Numerology and the Divine Triangle by Faith Javane Paperback $18.92. Numerology and the Divine Triangle. Numerology the that means of numbers new age spirituality. Numerology and the divine triangle faith javane, dusty bunker. A sincerely comprehensive and authoritative textual content on numerology.

Merryday Tarot Thread originally posted on the on 11 Apr 2005, and now archived in the. Earth en lady  11 Apr 2005  Hi everyone hope your all having a lovely day I recently acquired this deck, I love it,the cards have so much too say and I find I can gleen a lot out of them, (shame about the borders) but almost perfect does anyone else use this deck? I don't have the book and haven't a clue about the astrological numbers so any help would be great!  mnemosyne7  11 Apr 2005  I have been using the Merryday for a few years now. It is absolutely wonderful. Every single card has so much detail, that I often use it for one card readings. In fact, I don't like using this deck for spreads at all - it offers such powerful one card readings, but I get TMI (too much information) from more than one Merryday card at a time. The Fool/Wizard is my favorite fool in ANY deck.

Louisa Poole, the deck's creator, did write a book to go with the deck. You can find out more about it on.

The book has some interesting information regarding numerology, astrology, alchemy and Louisa's perspective. I have to admit I found the book doesn't flow very well, but it is a good resource if you want to understand a lot of the symbols on the deck.

Some of the alchemical and seasonal symbols are not as common as others, and it's nice to have them all explained in one place. Yet, the deck stands alone, and I don't know that the book is all that necessary to comprehending the cards. She numbered the deck 1-78, and those numbers and their reductions are the additional numbers you see on the cards. They add yet another dimension of meaning to each card. This is only my opinion, but a better book/companion piece to the deck is Numerology and The Divine Triangle by Faith Javane and Dusty Bunker.

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Numerology and the divine triangle by faith javane pdf printer online

The entire second section of that book is devoted to the same numbering scheme used on the Merryday and gives some very interesting and coherent interpretations based upon the numerological resonance assigned to each card (though it uses Rider Waite images). I'm interested to know how you use this deck.

Mnem  Kissa  12 Apr 2005  the court card renaming and logic seems to be one of the weirdest i've ever seen. Could never get used to it, never really tried honestly. I agree that the artwork is brilliant, a bit too busy for my taste sometimes though. I definitely include this deck in the '78 card oracle' list rather than in the tarot list. My two cents.

Kissa  earth en lady  12 Apr 2005  Hiya I have only recently started work with this deck,so I am studying it card by card at the moment,the cards have so much to say I find I can write a couple of pages just from studying one card which is quite unusual for me! These cards feel natural and once I have woken up my intuition (takes a while) I seem to just read.I don't really want the handbook as I am sure the cards a full system as you said,but I shall definately keep my eyes open for the divine triangle book sounds like a good read.I have also found these cards so non threatening that I use them for story telling with my 4 year old,she is a little capricorn and told me this morning that the friendly earth dragon came to see her in her dream. So far the fool is my favourite card in the deck too I think the way the fool can't see the wizard yet,and looks to the heavens in bliss is travelling and the wizard is returning wiser and using his intuition (using my poetic license)  WolfSpirit  12 Apr 2005  One of my favourite cards is the first one I ever saw of this deck, the Tower. Looks different from all other Towers I have ever seen, it is not a threatening card but in no way so sweet it becomes meaningless. There is a lot of detail in the cards, I would have loved it if the borders had been smaller (or non-existent) so the artwork could be bigger, that would do more justice to the details.

I did not get the book, as it is quite expensive and, as I understand, mostly deals with the numerology system, which is not really my favourite subject:P I rather read the cards intuitively anyway.  earth en lady  12 Apr 2005  Tottally agree about those awful borders!! And the tower is amazing reminds me of a lot of stuff related to Kundalini, Its great to chat about this deck as there is so much there Thanks guys  FaerieStorm  12 Apr 2005  Is the cardstock, color, and printing qualities acceptable? From the website it seems to be a self-published deck, so am curious as to how high the quality is in respect to the cards (and the book).  WolfSpirit  13 Apr 2005  The cards are thinner than most cards from big companies, but they still show surprisingly little wear, or at least that is my experience. The colours are bright and all the details are clearly visible, so the printing quality must be quite good.