Meskon Uchebnik Menedzhment 2011


Kod domofona pirrs 1000 lyuks And he the truth is purchased me breakfast as a result of I discovered it for him.

In the article economic essence is investigated and the distinguishing signs of categories 'management efficiency' and 'management effectiveness' are distinguished. Authorial determination of concept 'effectiveness of enterprise industrial and economic activity management» is brought as certain socio–economic achievements that have been got as a result of administrative influence and that are subject to the estimation by means of the system of quantitative and qualitative indexes. Importance of realization of management effectiveness estimation is reasonable as necessary pre–condition of determination of directions of enterprise further development and strengthening its competition positions in a market environment. Existent methodical approaches to the estimation of management effectiveness are generalized, basic principles are determined and logical chart of its realization is presented. Yakovleva, A. Suchasnyi tlumachnyi slovnyk ukrainskoi movy.

Directive 2011/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2011 on the application of patients’ rights in cross-border healthcare // EUR-Law,Access to European Union law. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Uchebnik pod redakciej d. N., professora G. Zhukova i zasluzhennogo dejatelja nauki RF, d. N., professora Ju.

Kharkiv: TORSINH PLUS. Udoskonalennia metodychnykh pidkhodiv do otsiniuvannia rezultatyvnosti system menedzhmentu yakosti funktsionuvannia ahrarnykh pidpryiemstv.

Meskon Uchebnik Menedzhment 2011

Visnyk Akademii pratsi i sotsialnykh vidnosyn Federatsii profspilok Ukrainy, 3, 36–43. Menedzhment orhanizatsii. Otsiniuvannia efektyvnosti vartisno–oriientovanoho upravlinnia pidpryiemstvom v ekosystemi innovatsii.

Visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu 'Lvivska politekhnika', 714, 348–357. Effektivnoe upravlenie. Moskva: Astrel. Systemy upravlinnia yakistiu.

Osnovni polozhennia ta slovnyk (ISO 9000:2000, IDT): DSTU ISO 9000–2001(2001). Kyiv: Derzhstandart Ukrainy.

Meskon M., Albert, M., Khedoury, F. Osnovy menedzhmenta. Moskva: Delo. Upravlen i e pro i zvod i telnostiu: plan i rovan ie, i zmeren i e, otsenka, kontrol i pov y shen i e. Moskva: Progres. Kachestvo, rezultat i vnost i e ffekt i vnost menedzhmenta. Available at: Kondrikov, V.

A., & Plotnikova, I. Rezultativnost i effektivnost SMK predpriiatiia. Metody menedzhmenta kachestva, 4, 27–31. Kravchenko, O. A., Ilnytskyi, V. V., Ulianovskyi, O. Zabezpechennia rezultatyvnosti i efektyvnosti vyrobnychoi diialnosti pidpryiemstva.

Ekonomika: realii chasu, 3, 29–35.

From the psychological point, we consider the phenomenon of mutual aid in the workplace. We reveal its importance as a marker that helps employees to categorize relations on the principle of “friend-or-foe”, “us– them” The analogy is drawn with Ericksonian understanding of the construct of trust and its role in labor relations. A comparative analysis of the principles of social exchange and approaches to social sharing of the lead researchers in social psychology and psychology of influence is performed. Particular attention is paid to the study subjects and its relations to culture characteristics, social capital, and organizational culture.

We discovered an interesting phenomenon of microculture that exists within the “big” corporate culture. Relevance of the work is determined by the economic situation in our country in 2010-2013. Keywords: organizational psychology, psychology of influence, mutual aid, mutual exchange, labor collective Rubric.