Llama Firearms Serial Numbers


My wife has a Llama.380 she inherited from her step-father. I'm trying to identify it. I know the basic history of Llama but I'm not sure exactly what model we have. The serial number is 563842 which I *think* puts production somewhere around 1970-ish. Also, based on the fact there are no vents in the rib, I believe it's a IIIA, series 2, variation 3. This is all based on my research online but I'm certainly not 100%. Return to castle wolfenstein single player free download full version pc. I'll take and post photos if that will help.

It's not a bad shooting little gun. Much more accurate than I expected. My last question: any idea on value?

Firearm dating information about Remington series firearms and guns provided by the Remington Society. You can reference the above website in order to date your firearm by the numbers and letters in the serial number and also learn how to read the serial number to know what each number and letter stands for, just like in a drivers license number. I have a Llama Especial 9mm (380), serial number 242566. I need a clip for it. Answered by a verified Firearms Expert. I have a Llama Especial 9mm (380.

My wife has no sentimental attachment to it so we'd like to possibly sell or trade.

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