Installing Asterisk On Synology Nas


Check this great All-In-One NAS Diskstation included mail server, firewall and complete Asterisk PBX inside! Asterisk is a well-known IP PBX known for its flexibility and powerful features.

Mar 24, 2017 - I have a synology nas DS415+, this would work great on my nas. Recently, I installed the 3cx ISO file by using the Virtualization Station in. Again, this hardware can run asterisk easily and core makes it to the pi then.

You can just create your own internal PBX and that to XeloQ to save 90% on your calls. Synology is a worldwide manufacturer of these great Diskstation appliances and for the most simple version (also includes Asterisk) you only pay € 99,-! Just get one of those great boxes and you will also get an Audio & Video server, access from The Cloud to all your files, a Print Server and Antivirus. But the best thing is the Asterisk PBX of course. After installing the Asterisk plugin you will get access to the famous Asterisk prompt! More information at and for our Asterisk config check our. Any questions?

Kind regards / Met vriendelijke groet, XeloQ IQ-Telephony Sales Team XeloQ IQ-Telephony Holland Office Center T: +31 (0)23 890 1271 Kruisweg 811b – gebouw 4 F: +31 (0)84 223 1337 2132 NG Hoofddorp E: sales The Netherlands W: DISCLAIMER: The information contained within this blog and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended for the addressee only. If you have received this e-mail in error please notify the originator. This e-mail and any attachments have been scanned for certain viruses prior to sending but the originator shall not be liable for any losses as a result of any viruses being passed on. As a policy we can not send executable files or scripts as attachments. Whilst all reasonable care has been taken to ensure that the information contained in this e-mail is correct, no warranty is given and you should be aware it may be incomplete, out of date or incorrect. It is therefore essential that you verify all such information with us before taking any action in reliance upon it.

Etika Kristen Kebudayaan, BPK Gunung Mulia, Jakarta, 1979.: 2008: MPK: Pendidikan Agama Islam: 3 sks Pengertian Agama, Hakekat dan Tanggung Jawab Manusia di Bumi, Hubungan Manusia dengan Allah SWT, Hubungan manusia dengan manusia, hubungan manusia: dengan alam. Daftar Pustaka Kurikulum Kode Mata Kuliah Nama Mata Kuliah Kredit/SKS Silabus Daftar Pustaka Kurikulum Kode Mata Kuliah Nama Mata Kuliah Kredit/SKS Silabus Daftar Pustaka Kurikulum Kode Mata Kuliah Nama Mata Kuliah Kredit/SKS: 1. Hidayat Nataatmadja, Intelegensi Spiritual, Intuisi Press, 2003. Kajian isi Al Qur'an dan Al Hadits untuk memberikan wawasan pengembangan sains dan teknologi yang akhlakul karimah.: 1. Rpp pendidikan agama katolik. De Herr, Tafsiran Alkitab (Injil Matius 1), BPK Gunung Mulia, Jakarta, 1982.

I found a way arround. The package is not supported by Synology, there is no way how to install using Package Manager. However it is available as Linux ipkg package. There is not default installer for ipkg in Synology, but it does exists as a community package. I have no time now to post step by step guid right now, I made it as try and error, but finally it does not took me even two hours to make asterisk working again.

Backup asterisk configuration files (for me at least sip.conf, extensions.conf and user.conf). Go to package manager - settings - package sources. Add new source '. This is a community package server. After doing this goes to package manager - community packages (refresh if nothing there) Install Easy Bootstrap Installer (I put just next on all Windows) and iPKGui. Uninstall Asterisk and go through the DSM update to version 6.0.

After all updates are gone (all packages are actual) open iPKGui from the synology main menu. In available packages you will find Asterisk 13.0 and Asterisk GUI. Install those (mark and apply, including all prerequisities). You will linux scripts running. I was not able to make running GUI, I do not even now how to run/reaload/configure the asterisk itsefl, you will not find it for sure in any Synology menu. But the whole asterisk is saved in location Volume1 @optware etc asterisk.

So I just copied the backped configuration files here. Wow, it is working. OK, maybe I made some reboot between to be sure. All IPKG packages installed from community are stored in optware, instead of common synology file structure.

To copy configuration files back to asterisk, you will be required to have root access. For every step of this quick guide you will find some help on google. If you stuck somewhere, I will try to help. Please do not ask me about any impacts on security.

I will start investigating now, what I have in fact done. Also do not conplain about any troubles you made yourself doing this. Please share with us your comments, tips, experience. Asterisk GUI (management webpage) is working as well. You just need to enable/configure in management.conf and http.conf Here you will find how to do that: No other setup options/lines are necessary for basic functionality, but maybe you want to setup more. I forgot to mention that I tested all of this on DS215j Easy Bootstrap Installer might not be functional for all devices (depends on the CPU), but what I found, it should show you, if your device is supported or not.