Download Whats App For Nokia 2700classic


I am using Whatsapp For Nokia 2700 Classic, old model android 4.0 version, but for me it's difficult to move this application to sd card, I need good space on my this phone to run other application fast and smooth, pls fix this Whatsapp For Nokia 2700 Classic as soon as possible, otherwise I have to remove this application from my phone. Need important updates please copy from Whatsapp For Nokia 2700 Classic the desktop function and not through only chrome. Missing also hd images, gif pages, secret chat, better multimedia function. Usage after 365 days! There was a piece of news in the media that Whatsapp For Nokia 2700 Classic has been made free for India. No charges after 1 year of usage. Nothing of that sort reflects here.

Almost perfect. Cross platform, desktop integration (via the webapp) and read receipts are perfect. I'd want more customisable options, though. Also, to people complaining about needing to pay after a year, it's 99 cents. Think about how much you spend on food every day. Wish it had live audio, like Voxer does.

It would be nice if you could press the play button and have it play all messages, instead of having to hit play for each individual message. Be nice to have a speed button, like Voxer does, to speed up the playing of messages. Be nice to have changeable backgrounds, for each chat, like We Whatsapp For Nokia 2700 Classic does. Other than those feature requests, it's a great app. I loved this Whatsapp For Nokia 2700 Classic.

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It shows you when your friend is online and the time of the messages. The only way to improve it might be to be able to lock the app or certain conversations with a password, because anyone who has your phone can view your chats just as with IM.

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