Does Cricket Fix Cracked Phone Screens


They replaced my cracked iphone 5 screen For $50.00 and they even gave me a free screen protector and free case. I highly recommend this place. Staff is super nice Carmen y Lorena are very nice girls. Unfortunately, cracked cell phone screens are all-too-common occurrences. Cell phone repair service or, if you have a bit of technical savvy, you can do it. Move 2.

It's one of the worst feelings ever: one moment your phone is safely in your hands, the next it's lying face down on a concrete floor. You pick it up, hoping nothing has happened to it and then you see it: the crack. Before you start freaking out, have a read through this article. We've collected some simple phone repairs that may just save your phone. Follow us on: Youtube - Facebook - Google+ - Instagram - Twitter - See more video on our channal; 1. Toothpaste for your cracked screen If you have an annoying little crack in your screen that's bothering you, you can fill the crack with toothpaste to make it disappear. Make sure you use the white paste variety, rather than the gel.

Seal the ports and buttons of your smartphone with tape to make sure no liquid gets in, then rub your chosen toothpaste into the scratched area using a soft cloth. Clean away the excess toothpaste with a slightly damp cloth. Baking soda for scratches No, this isn’t the Great British Bake Off for your phone - but making a thick paste out of baking soda and water may just help to remove scratches. Use two parts baking soda to one part water. Mix it well until you have a thick paste. Put a small amount of the paste onto a microfiber cloth and gently rub in a circular motion on the scratched part of your screen.

Sandpaper for scratches A more drastic solution is to grind any scratches out of your screen, by using fine sandpaper. Work cautiously, use the least abrasive sandpaper, press gently and check the results regularly, in case you're creating an uneven surface or worsening the situation. Replace the screen yourself Some smartphone screens are so cracked there's no way you'll be able to buff out those scratches. Manufacturers will offer you hugely expensive repairs, but to save yourself some money you can buy kits and new screens online to replace it yourself. Get your kit from a website like Mission Repair or iFixit (roughly around £61). They often come with all the tools you need for specific phones. Keep in mind that iPhones can be particularly troublesome because Apple make it almost impossible to take your phone apart.

This is why it's imperative to watch a tutorial like the one below before attempting DIY screen replacements. A bowl of rice for water damage Did your cell phone recently get wet?